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PT Nusantara Regas Submits CSR Program 2013 in Pulau Untung Jawa

Jakarta –PT Nusantara Regas (NR) was held corporate social program (CSR) 2013, giving aid event to people of Pulau Untung Jawa. The company has 4 programs as follow: Education, Health, Environment, Infrastructure and Empowerment.

Those 4 programs are delivered by Main Director whom represented by Director of Finance & Administration PT Nusantara Regas, Sri Budi Mayaningsih to regent of Kepulauan Seribu whom represented by Assistant Regent Kepulau Seribu Aspect Development Economic, H.M. Andi, at Auditorium Pulau Untung Jawa-Kepulauan Seribu, witnessed by Village Chief and Local Government Kepulau Seribu along with people, Monday (19/8).

Sri Budi Mayaningsih said that since two years before, in the year 2011 and 2012 NR has joined together with people of Pulau Untung Jawa to delivered social program.

“Even though the CSR activity has delivered for two years, but we feel it’s not maximal to fulfill the hope of Pulau Untung Jawa peope, due to limitation and consolidate with the share holder,” said Maya.

Further, this aid is the concrete concern NR to people around its scope of work. We hope people are supporting this program in order to achieve maximal.

Several programs that have been carried out at Pulau Untung Jawa in year 2012 such as the drowning of 20 colonies of fish apartement in 5 spots around Pulau Untung Jawa; The planting of 10,000 mangrove tree worth IDR 350,000; the donation of six computer and printer set; renovation of Mosque Al-Ikhwan worth IDR 150,000; and the distribution of 200 package of daily needs @IDR 225,000 for 200 orphan families at Pulau Untung Jawa.


In year 2013, PT Nusantara Regas will execute social program which consist of: Education – donation for library with 250 book package contain of 10 genres with 25 piece each and donation for Madrasah Diniyah Ubaidillah.

Health – Dental clinic for 300 students of SDN 01 Pulau Untung Jawa; Mother and Child (Sehati) program, giving additional food and counseling for Posyandu’s cadet.

Bidang Pemberdayaan – dengan memberikan pelatihan pariwisata untuk 20 orang dan bantuan 20 unit tenda pedagang yang akan dipasang di area usaha PUJ.

Empowerment – By giving tourism training for 20 persons and donation of 20 merchant tents which will be set in PUJ business area.

Environment – Repairing City Park and reforestation by planting productive tree such as breadfruit, which hope become PUJ’s signature food product.

The estimation of CSR program in 2013 worth of IDR 900,000 by financial support from its main company. The implementation of the program will be working together with the other subsidiary company of Pertamina, which are Pertamina Bina Medika and Pertamina Training & Consulting.

Meanwhile, the Assistant Regent Kepulauan Seribu H.M Andi urges people of Pulau Untung Jawa to support for PT Nusantara Regas to keep safe Nusantara Regas operation area in the form of FSRU ship and surrounding area. “Because PT Nusantara regas is company formed by government made for solving the increase of BBM price in order to fulfill PLN needs, and PT Nusantara Regas has given solution through GAS which its price cheaper than BBM and already distribute to PLN Muara Karang and Tanjung Priok. Therefore PT Nusantara Regas has made the APBN subsidy for the country increase significantly,” he said.

sumber: http://www.nusantararegas.com/pt-nusantara-regas-submit-csr-program-in-2013-on-the-untung-jawa-island/

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